Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dreaming with Caution!

Well, I start my second round of BCP's tomorrow. Since I am not taking the "sugar" pills and starting a new pack straight out my insurance isn't going to pay anything. Normally this wouldn't be so bad if I was going to take the whole round but I am taking 1 week!! Yes siree, $66 for 7 little micro sized pills! If they were big as horse pills I might feel like I was getting my monies worth a little bit, but NNNOOOOO!! That is $9.42 a pill!!!! I know that is a drop in the bucket compared to my other meds but just $66 I didn't plan to spend. OK Rant over......

Ordering Meds a week later than I wanted because I was hoping Income tax check would come in so I would feel like they were FREE!! HAHA! So much for that. I just want to get on the roller coaster again. I know that sounds strange and I am trying hard to not get my hopes up but my heart flutters a little when I think about hearing those sweet words, "Your Pregnant!"
But I have been down this road before and didn't hear those words, so I dream with caution. I have always been the tough girl that never let anything stop her and in doing so I have taken an "Oh Well!" attitude when things don't go as I had planned. It isn't a don't care attitude but one of serenity. I guess it is a defense mech of the sorts. Anywho, because I "oh well'd" the last cycle I now can't help but start to do the whole due date and how far I will be at what holiday and will I be able to do this or that. Should I have shopped for more winter type maternity clothes, and the list goes on and on! I am so OCD, I hate the unknown so I daydream as if I know what will happen. I wish my ovaries had half the kick start my brain does!!! HEHEHE!!
So I am now playing the waiting game to start stims.......
Hoping and Praying for you all!!


Samantha said...

Sorry about the BCP expense. It seems like your clinic should give you a free sample rather than make you pay twice!

Good luck and hope you get started soon!

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Wow! Couldn't they prescribe a cheaper pill. My clinic lets me choose which pill I want. That sucks.

Good luck to you my dear, and I hope that you get started soon!!

CAM said...

Love the cautiously dreaming comments. I am always fearful of over thinking things - due dates, clothes, holidays, names etc. As if the "jinx" theory makes any sense at all?! I take my novarel tonight and have my retrieval Fri morning. Ugh...let the crazy thoughts begin!! All the best to you :)