Friday, June 15, 2007

Well, Ladies this will be short but I am now 7 months pregnant! I wish, but that is what I look like anyway! I am so distended and in so much pain I can hardly stand it. For those of you that have experienced OHSS my heart goes out to you, because if this scratches the surface (which I hope is all it is) of OHSS it is unbearable. RE has given me some extra pain meds so that is helping but damn I am miserable. But I know it will be worth it in the end! Well, I am sure all of you want to know my number..................drumroll please...........................
37!!!! They got freakin 37 eggs! I was blown away!!!! I was hoping for 20! RE said that I was going to experience a lot more pain because they basically trampled my ovaries with a track shoe! His words not mine! I love his analogies! Hubs made jokes that after they did the egg count they asked him if he could make another "deposit" because they weren't sure if they would have enough sperm for all the eggs, too funny. We should get fertilization report. I will try my best to keep you guys posted!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!!
It's about time I was an overachiever in something!!!


Mary Ellen and Steve said...

That's awesome news! I hope that you get an excellent fertilization report tomorrow!

Samantha said...

Wow! Tons o' eggs! I hope the fert report is good, and that you start to feel better fast.