Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fert Report!!

Drumroll please....................................29 fertilized. Of the 37, 34 were mature and of the 34 we have 29!! 29 endless possibilities! I am still cautiously dreaming!!

Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday, it was a very busy one. Hubs was in a wedding and when i woke up I was about 5 pounds heavier and now had nothing to wear. So we (myself on pain medicaition) had to trot to the mall to find something for me to wear. Thank God the first place we went to had a great dress and I got great shoes, I love Macy's! So we left and I rested till the wedding. I still couldn't take a deep breath, but I couldn't miss our dear friends wedding. I knew they would understand, but with hubs in it and wanted to be there for everyone, I took half a lortab and went!! Hubs painted my toes and everything...he is going to be such a good daddy! The night was a bit long, but I sat to the side all night and perched my ever protruding belly under the table. I even sat a glass of wine in front of me so people wouldn't ask. I have gained almost 8 pounds since Friday. I am barely trucking under the 4 pounds a day mark. So I hope I start peeeing all this fluid out or something. I want to look forward to my ever growing belly, not wake up one day and it's there!! On second thought, I will take what I can get! If I have to stay like this for a year as long as it produces a healthy bambino!!! I will email tomorrow with a cell report!

(((huggs))) to you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi, am new to your blog. Wowzers about the number of eggs- thats wonderful news!!

Samantha said...

What a great fert report! I really hope those embies grow!

In the meantime keep up drinking your fluids and I hope the swelling goes down. That's great that you were able to go to the wedding. I know when I've had OHSS I've been so dizzy and nauseous I haven't been able to stand up!

Erin said...

Wow - that is so great! Can't wait to hear how they progress!!

I am a huge Macy's fan, too. I could spend days in that place!

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

That is awesome news A!!

ellie said...

Awesome number! I hope it all works out well. Bummer about the weight and water....hope it clears and things get to a better state...

Serenity said...

New to your blog -- PLEASE be careful with the OHSS - if the swelling gets worse, you might end up in the hospital, etc. Weight gain is one of the indicators.

Hang in there...

Congrats on the fertilization report!!!